What's new
This page explains what changes are introduced on each release of Tella.
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Tella - Latest Versions
Android: Tella 2.15.1 (202) - Released on March 25, 2025
- Fixed a bug that caused imports to stop working across the app when the lock timeout was set to 5 minutes.
- Fixed the favorite form shortcut on the home screen.
iOS: Tella 1.14.0 (92) - Released on March 6, 2025
- Fixed preview of HEIC files.
- Added Indonesian, Tsonga and Portuguese (Mozambique) language support.
- Implemented limited access to photo gallery.
- Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- Fixed the navigation bar that got stuck on file information screen after watching a video.
- Fixed thumbnails for recently edited images in recent files.
- Fixed the count of remaining attempts when a user inputs the wrong lock (when the "delete after failed unlock" feature is enabled).
- Remove the button to edit PDF files (not yet supported).
- Solved a crash when editing a video and exiting without selected either options to discard or keep the changes.
- Changed the text of edit media confirmation message to make it explicit that the file is saved as a copy of the original one.
- Changed the edit media screen so that the play button only plays the selection for Edit Audio and Edit Video.
- Fixed an issue preventing going back to the previous screen after updating the password/pin in Settings.
- Fixed an issue on smaller phones (for example iPhone 8) where the Quick Delete confirmation screen didn't fit in the screen.
- Fixed an issue in Reports where the Submit screen was not scrollable and the Submit button was inaccessible when many files were attached.
- Fixed an issue where the label for password setup during Onboarding was not fully visible.
- Fixed an issue where the + button was not tappable when Tella's folders had too many items
- Updated the text in Quick Delete settings to say "Delete files" instead of "Delete vault".
- Fixed an issue where the menu with the Share and Save to device options only appeared on the second attempt.
- Fixed an issue where the back button was not working after viewing a video from the All Files folder.
- Made all elements on the homescreen scrollable, do not keep connections and recent files fixed on the top.
- Made the play button only play the selection when editing audio and video.
Android: Tella FOSS 2.11.0 (based on Android 2.11.0) - Released on February 25, 2025
We updated Tella FOSS, the version of Tella published on F-Droid that is 100% Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS). This updated version includes open-source map, location provider and Camera libraries. It doesn't include crashlytics, LoggingInterceptor and any other non-FOSS component or dependency. We completely removed all Google Play Services dependencies.
This version is based on Tella Android 2.11.0 and includes the following features:
- Added support for privacy-preserving analytics. All analytics are disabled by default and opt-in.
- PDFs can now be opened and viewed directly inside Tella FOSS.
- Edit media: users can edit images within Tella's encrypted container
- Feedback: users can now share anonymous feedback, bug reports, or improvement suggestions with the Tella team directly from inside Tella.
- Added support for the Tella Web connection, including the ability to download and view resources uploaded by admins.
- Implemented background encryption so users can continue collecting data, taking photos, videos, and audio, and importing files while the encryption process takes place.
- Added the possibility to delete the original file from the phone's file system after importing it into Tella.
- Added support for the relationship property type in the Uwazi connection.
- New Languages support: Kurdish, Persian and Vietnamese.
- Added new accessibility settings.
- Fixes to improve performance and security.
A detailed list of features available on each platform is available here.
Previous versions
Android: Tella 2.15.0 (200) - Released on March 5, 2025
- Added the possibility to zoom on images in the Tella vault.
- Added Tsonga and Portuguese (Mozambique) language support.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the photo and video previews to show at the bottom of the camera.
- Multiple improvements to the ODK Connection:
- Solved a bug that prevented multiple favorite Forms to be saved.
- Added the possibility to attach all files from the Tella vault using the "select all" button on the file selection process. This applies to Photos, Audio, Files and Video questions types on ODK and Uwazi connections.
- Added File question type to the supported questions types.
- Solved a crash that happened when recording audio directly from within an ODK form.
- UX improvements to ODK: unify button styles and removed empty spaces.
- Implemented refresh button.
- Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- Corrected the button for "Select files from Tella" in all server connections.
- Fixed a problem that was preventing all reports in the outbox to show.
- Fixed a layout issue that was causing the grid view to brake after going back from file information.
- Corrected submission time of reports when uploading to Nextcloud.
- Solved an issue with the phone's back button from the Microphone screen.
- Do not allow recording an audio when a name is already taken.
- Updated the text in the Quick Delete settings to say "Delete files" instead of "Delete vault".
Android: Tella FOSS 2.0.15 (based on Android 2.0.15) - Released on July 10, 2023
A version of Tella included for the first time on the F-droid store. This a 100% Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) version of Tella Android. We removed all trackers, changed map and location provider and also changed the Camera library to CameraX, removed crashlytics, LoggingInterceptor and any other non-FOSS component or dependency. We removed completely all Google Play Services dependencies.
Android: Tella 2.14.0 (196) - Released on January 16, 2025
- Implemented the Nextcloud server connection that allows Tella users to upload the data they collect directly to Nextcloud. Read more here about the connection.
- Added Bengali language support. See language accessibility
- Bug-fixing and minor improvements:
- Solved issue that prevented Indonesian translation to load properly.
- Tella now shows an error when a user tries to rename a photo if the new name is already taken.
- User is redirected to the Outbox tab after pressing "submit later" in all new Connections.
- Added counter to Draft tab for all server connections.
- Fixed incorrect confirmation text for deleting a report in the outbox in any of the connections.
- Added confirmation message after a report is successfully submitted to any connections.
iOS: Tella 1.13.0 (88) - Released on Junuary 6, 2025
- Added the possibility to trim videos directly inside Tella's encrypted container. Read more about editing media in Tella.
- Added Bengali language support. See language accessibility.
- Bug-fixing and minor improvements:
- Fixed bug: Tella now only allows moving a file to a different folder from the All Files folder.
- Fixed typo in the Quick Delete description.
Android: Tella 2.13.1 (191) - Released on November 6, 2024
- Hotfix for the Dropbox connection. Previous build didn't allow connections to Dropbox.
iOS: Tella 1.12.0 (84) - Released on November 27, 2024
- Added support for the Dropbox connection that allows Tella users to upload the data they collect directly to their Dropbox account. Read more here about the connection.
- Added the possibility to trim audios directly inside Tella's encrypted container. Read more about editing media in Tella
- Bug-fixing and minor improvements:
- Fixed bug: Renaming audio while recording takes the name or last edited audio.
- Added link to the documentation on the "Connections" screen, for instructions on how to choose a server.
- UI fixes for all connections.
- Updated the About and Help page linking to FAQs and to "Get started guide for iOS".
- Fix navigation issue with Back button on "Connect to server" screens.
- Adapted quick delete options to also delete connections data for new connections.
iOS: Tella 1.11.0 (81) - Released on October 21, 2024
- Implemented the Nextcloud server connection that allows Tella users to upload the data they collect directly to Nextcloud. Read more about the Connection here.
- Bug-fixing and small improvements:
- Fixed the progress view and cancel action for large files in the Report view in all Connections.
- Hid "use shared drive" button if not using an organizational account.
- Unified the required/optional fields in all Connections.
- Fixed the UI for labels on the Servers view when there is an existing connection.
- Fixed visual bugs on entities and delete entity cards for Uwazi connections.
- Fixed edit connection title.
- Deleted unused WebView class that was flagged in the latest security audit.